recently, a work team from the ministry of environmental protection of the people’s republic of china made an on-site inspection at zhenghe group co., ltd. (zhenghe) upon its dcc denitrification, desulfurization and dust removing equipment in operation and checked relevant historical data. after the inspection and check the work team spoke highly of the equipment effectiveness.
as part of the program for environmental protection and emission reduction, zhenghe started to build the dcc denitrification, desulfurization and dust removing equipment in may 2014. this program entered the list of 2014 national clean manufacturing project models, winning a financial subsidy of rmb 7.5 million. ever since it went into operation this february, the equipment has significantly reduced the emission of such major pollutants as so2, dust and nox. in particular, the emission of so2 and dust has been lowered by 83.3% and 80% respectively. it is expectable that the annual emission of so2 will go down by 1830.3 tons, dust by 586.2 tons and nox by 1195.4 tons. (yan xiaoqiang and sun lihui)