zhonghao chenguang recognized as “five-凯发登录网址

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zhonghao chenguang recognized as “five-star blood donor” of zigong city
source: china haohua chemical group co., ltd. date: 2016-06-14

(correspondent: yang xuelian) zigong city launched the 13th activity to mark the world blood donor day on june 12. at the launch ceremony, the office of blood donation leading group of zigong city conferred honorary plaques on the city’s star-rated blood donors and zhonghao chenguang research institute of chemical industry (zhonghao chenguang) received the highest honor – “five-star blood donor”.

ever since zigong organized the first blood donation activity in 2004, zhonghao chenguang has played an active part in supporting the activity by encouraging its employees to participate and promoting humanitarian education. over the past 12 years, a total of 1,924 people at zhonghao chenguang have contributed to this worthy cause of great significance, donating up to 550,000 ml of blood. their caring spirit was displayed particularly in the case of a number of natural disasters such as the earthquakes hitting wenchuan, yushu, ya’an and ludian. learning that local hospitals were running out of blood, employees of zhonghao chenguang voluntarily went to the hospital to donate blood for saving people in the affected areas. it gives full expression to their keen sense of social responsibility and high moral standards as well as their close ties with the affected people.

zhonghao chenguang once received the blood donation promotion award of sichuan province and has been recognized as a model organization of zigong city in blood donation for several years in a row. this year, more than 100 employees of zhonghao chenguang have signed up to take part in the blood donation activity in july.

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