power plant holds 4th round skill training assessment-凯发登录网址

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power plant holds 4th round skill training assessment
origin: date: 2012-02-08


4th round of the employee job skill training assessment of the power plant was held on february 8. this time, according to the spirit of the security committee meeting that was held recently, the skill assessment was combined with security training by embedding the security training education throughout the assessment.

this round of assessment still consists of two sessions, namely power supply and boilers, and was completed within three days. huang libo, deputy director of power supply, and xu guangcheng, deputy director of boiler served as chief examiners respectively.

tian haibin, power supply technician, raised questions to the staffs during the assessment of power supply. some of the staffs calculated the resistor and others explained how to check the electricity during power failures with an electric pen. all of these show that the assessment of practical operations has made new breakthroughs. he also told the staffs how to protect themselves while working in order to enhance their safety consciousness.

at the boiler assessment, xu guangcheng,deputy director, read the questions and pointed out the faults of their answers. questions are randomly chosen when a chief of section was examined. questions raised to yurui, chief of section 75t was what should be done in daily inspection of the apparatus. more questions of different levels were raised afterwards until she was asked about some detailed parts of the apparatus, such as the temperature control range in the fan bearing chamber. the whole q&a session was remarkable.

based on the principle of "live learning, strict examination, two-combination", this assessment strengthened assessment methods, standards and implementation plans, which promoted the effectiveness of skill assessment.  on the basis of "create a learning team, try to be armed with knowledge", various forms of training, such as "recharge energy storage", self-display and self-surpass were conducted at different posts. the long-term mechanism of skills distribution incentive policy was strengthened to motivate the staff to create first-class skills and performance. the employees' skill training was consummated and the overall staff quality was enhanced. the plant summarized problems of skills training and set up a platform for employees to learn, communicate and improve quality in accordance with actual conditions of their sectors, which helped the skill training meet requirements of production and actual needs of workers. the assessment work is still carried out intensely for the first three rounds, the current round power plant could produce a greater harvest.


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