deputy manager guides hebei shenghua work-凯发登录网址

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deputy manager guides hebei shenghua work
source: chc date: 2011-12-17

he xiaoqin, the deputy manager of the haohua corp, paid a visit to the hebei shenghua industrial park construction site, on november 11, and met with management and middle-level heads in the video-conference room, where the general manager, liu wenxian, reported on organizational reforms, production, and construction work and planning.

he explained reassignment of cadres for the chlorine and alkali sections and the centralized management system and emphasized the goals that need to be met before the end of the year in the following way, "we need to put stress on both production and project construction and take full advantage of shenghua's advantages in production, seize any and all market opportunities, and hit our targets while maintaining safety in the production process.”

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