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activity of social responsibility
activity of social responsibility
source: date: 2011-12-14

chemchina's report is a systematic analysis and summary of its accomplishments in sustainability and social responsibility since its establishment. the 56-page report contains five sections: introduction, responsibilities, sustainable development practice, forward statement and appendix.

we get to look at chemchina's performance, m&a, summer camp, chemical museum construction as well as social responsibilities. in the process of state-owned enterprise restructuring, chemchina has been promoting the optimization and integration of resources. it has activated state-owned assets of 17 billion, provided 50,000 jobs, boosted the local economy, and contributed to social harmony and stability. the bluestar summer camp has been carried out for 21 years and has become a model among its counterparts in china.

the report mainly focuses on chemchina's concept and performance in sustainable and scientific development, innovation, safe production, environmental protection, human resources and social contribution. the report also features many case studies and photos, designed to be an easy-read for interested parties.

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