
来源: china daily 时间: 2012-06-05
chemchina releases its annual csr report
china national chemical corporation, the nation's largest chemical products manufacturer, was recognized for its compliance after releasing its corporate social responsibility report on may 26 in beijing.

this is the second year that the company, commonly known as chemchina, has released the report at an annual high-profile conference on corporate responsibility sponsored by the china federation of industrial economics.

the conference is china's collective channel for industrial enterprises to release their csr reports.

composed of five parts, the 60-page report highlights the company's role as the main sponsor of the chemical industry museum of china.

the museum was built to showcase china's history of chemical development. it is also expected to help disseminate knowledge about chemicals and to facilitate exchanges among professionals from around the world.

the report also presented accomplishments the company has made in its drive toward sustainable development in six areas, including safe production and environmental protection.

chemchina, founded in may 2004 with the approval of the state council, is a large state-owned enterprise and is ranked 19th among the world's top 100 chemical corporations.

in 2011, the company was listed on the fortune global 500 for the first time.

responsibility fosters future grow, said ren jianxin, president of the chinese chemical giant.

dedicated to creating value for its shareholders and offering jobs for society, the company in 2012 will make greater contributions to coordinated and sustainable economic, social and environmental development, ren added.

extracts of the chemchina csr report will be published in the next session of the soe special on june 19.

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